NRA Gallery Rifle Discipline Representative

NRA Discipline Representatives serve a three year term on NRA General Council. The Gallery Rifle Discipline Representative position is up for election in 2014 to serve a term from September 2014 to September 2017. This is our discipline and at present Neil Francis is the incumbent representative. Neil has indicated he is prepared to serve another term but this, of course, depends on whether the community is willing to continue to support this.

Forms are available below for nomination of any eligible person to this role however only persons who are registered members of the National Rifle Association and who have fully paid  up their NRA subscriptions for 31 March are eligible to be candidates for election to  the General Council and to be Proposers  for such candidates.

Those voting for the Gallery Rifle Shooting Discipline  Candidates must have previously declared  that Shooting Discipline to the NRA as their  primary Shooting Discipline. Eligibility for voting will be determined as  at 30 April 2014.

The programme of key dates for Elections:

31 March 2014 –  All Candidates and Proposers must be  fully paid-up Registered Members of the  Association by this date.

30 April 2014 – Nominations for all vacancies must be  returned to the Chief Executive by 17:00  on this date. Registered Members must be qualified  for voting for their respective Regional or  Shooting Discipline Candidate by this date. All Members desiring to vote must be  fully paid-up Registered Members by this  date.

23 May 2014 – Voting slips will be posted out to all entitled  Members by this date together with the  procedures for voting.

14 July 2014 – Voting slips in the correct envelope  supplied must be received by the NRA  office by mail or by hand, no later than 5.00pm on this date.

Scrutineers appointed by the Council to  be notified after the Council Meeting on  25 April 2014.


Forms are available for download if anybody wants to nominate a GR&P rep and if anyone wants to stand a CV form is also available.

Nomination Form – PDF | Nomination Form – MS Doc | CV Form – PDF | CV Form – MS Doc

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